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Praise for Tough

Tough should be essential reading in every class, every grade and for every person that aspires to be better. The bullseye is hit with the mental and character traits you need for success and how to navigate and use the traits to make you better, and puts you in a position to make the impossible, possible. Truly a remarkable book!”
—D. McBurnett, Navy SEAL (ret), author of Uncommon Grit

“I spent 20+ years evaluating students during some of the military’s toughest selection courses. I know what determination and toughness is. I also know failure. I wish I had this book to reference for those who lost focus and faltered. Tough is the most in-depth and comprehensive book on mental toughness I’ve seen.”
—John Barklow, US Navy (ret)

"Powerful self-reflection with an emphasis on integrated personal development. An important read for anyone looking to sharpen their most vital tool ... the mind."
—Mark Divine, SEAL Commander (ret), founder of SEALFIT and NYT best selling author of Unbeatable Mind and The Way of the SEAL

“Greg Everett has written an inspiring and enlightening read for anyone looking to understand what being tough truly means... and why it matters. As a coach, he shares practical tools and incentives that will help to build confidence and create disciplined habits to support your goals.”
—Emily Fletcher, Founder of Ziva Meditation and best selling author of Stress Less, Accomplish More

"Greg has done a terrific job of taking the intangible attribute of toughness and given us a concrete, actionable, step-by-step process for understanding it and adopting it into our own lives. I am recommending this book to all of my athletes."
—Ben Bergeron, elite CrossFit coach, best selling author of Chasing Excellence

“Deconstructing the stereotypical image of what we’ve come to associate with “toughness,” Everett shows us the true nature of toughness and perhaps more importantly how to get there. This book is likely to make you laugh and nod in unison, and most certainly will light a fire under you.”
—Jocelyn Forest Haynes, NCAA D1 National Champion & MVP and National Pro Champion & MVP Professional softball pitcher, national championship medalist weightlifter